Today was a day. I woke up to chest x-ray transport. Did that. Went to see the oral surgeon for that "spot" they found on the x-ray. Turns out the tooth and 2 year old infection that were the gray spot needed to come out now, like in 45 minutes... So we did that. He had to scrape the infection from the bone and remove a cyst--All in a days work and 5 stitches later I am in pain. My kidney numbers are high so my vanco can only come Q24 and my fortaz is steady. I saw the GI today and go for another endoscopy Monday and ultrasound tomorrow. He thinks I have peptic ulcer disease and a possible stone in my bile duct left over from when I got my gallbladder out-- if so they'll remove it wednesday.
This is simply ridiculous. My pft's are about 27%-32% below my baseline still so we're going to treat until they improve.
Marrow tests will be back on Thursday of next week giving us further direction and I also learned that I don't make antibodies... right... no fighters in there.
I'm sorry this is so rambley, but I am ultimately very rambley right now.
While admittedly I did not get up at 4 am to watch the royals marry, I did get up at 4 am to use the restroom and heard a number of other patients hooting and hollering... so I was kind of up because of the royals, but really not for them.
I was able to not watch royalty marry but feel like I did because Jen V and Sara T pretty much kept us all up to speed--- which was entirely the smiling point of my day-- that and when a friend surprised me with coffee and nitza came to play words with friends for a few hours.
So tomorrow is the big ultra sound and hoping the kitchen might finally have gotten the food I don't eat order out right.
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